Ken Shirriff's blog: Apple iPhone charger teardown: quality in a tiny expensive package Disassembling Apple's diminutive inch-cube iPhone charger reveals a technologically advanced flyback switching power supply that goes beyond the typical charger. It simply takes AC input (anything between 100 and 240 volts) and produce 5 watts of smooth 5
Ken Shirriff's blog: iPad charger teardown: inside Apple's charger and a risky phony Apple sells their iPad charger for $19, while you can buy an iPad charger on eBay for about $ 3. From ...
※ iPhone與iPad充電器混充不傷機. 隨便你亂用都可以充. (第1頁 ... D+/D-如果是2.8V/2.0V表示是iPad充電器,可供1.5A,接iPad給1.5A,接iPhone .... 如果上面只標示1A能"全速"充iPhone, 充較慢iPad; 標示到1.5A 以上 ...
USB 的充電規範定義了每個類型充電器的可用電流上限以及 ... - benevo 一般的認知, 都是USB 要支援500mA 的電流. 但是實際上, ,這種電流可能連外接硬 碟都推不動。於是大家可能都"偷偷" 可以供到1A。從BC 1.1 開始,規範中就直接.
普通充電器給蘋果IPHONE/IPAD2充電的USB端的識別電阻的設置ZT ... 如果穩壓電路輸出5V的壹端(USB接口)沒有接上iPad或者iPhone(術語稱為負載), 就不會有電流流過,也就不會消耗電能。接上負載之後,充電器輸出端子的正負極才 ...
Apple and other USB charger secrets | - | Audio | Video | Circuits | Electronics Desig Everybody seems to be saying that you can’t charge Apple devices with normal USB power supplies. You need a special power supply from Apple or approved by Apple. I saw this kind of discussion at slashdot some time ago. Usually, device makers need to sign
Modify a cheap USB charger to feed an iPod, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy Intro: Modify a cheap USB charger to feed an iPod, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy A couple of years ago I got an iPod touch as a gift and I decided to buy a USB charger for it. ... Step 1: A little Theory A USB connector has 4 pins: +V, D-, D+, GND. The +V pin
MintyBoost - The mysteries of Apple device charging Minty Boost The mysteries of Apple device charging
Creating a Dual USB Universal Car Charger From the TPS40170 and Two TPS2511 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or servic
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